Diabulimia is a form of eating disorder that’s often ignored or misunderstood. It is usually found in women, and has a major effect on people’s lives. Alsana Saint. Louis who has been diagnosed as having diabulimia in the age of 14 and shares her story in order to help others understand the symptoms of this disorder. She doesn’t just talk about the impact it has on a person’s life and how challenging it is to find treatment for this condition.

Is Diabulimia a disease?

Diabulimia, an eating disorder particularly targets people with diabetes. Diabulimia sufferers typically intentionally withhold insulin in order to shed weight. This is extremely risky and could cause serious health problems, including diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA) which could be fatal.

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Diabulimia is typically viewed as a method to manage diabetes, however it can quickly get out of hand. Diabulimia sufferers may be obsessed with their body weight and appearance and the practice of not taking insulin can turn into an obsession. Diabulimia is a severe mental health problem that requires professional care.

Diabulimia, an eating disorder typically is experienced by women of a certain age who have the type one diabetes. It is characterised by the deliberate use of insulin to shed weight. Diabulimia may have severe consequences such as diabetic ketoacidosis which is a fatal condition.

It is estimated that the National Eating Disorder Association estimates that up to about one-in-four women suffering from the type one diabetes condition will suffer from diabulimia in the course of their lives. It is the most prevalent condition in teenage girls and women who are who are in their early 20s. However, it is also affecting all ages.

There are many elements that can be the cause of diabulimia. Some of them include the desire to shed weight, body apathy, and a desire to control. People who suffer from diabulimia typically have a negative perception of their bodies and themselves. They might feel they’re not good enough or are not worthy of being healthy.

Diabulimia can cause serious effects for physical health, such as an increased risk of developing diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA) which could be a fatal complication associated with Type 1 Diabetes. DKA is a condition that occurs in the event that your body creates excessive acid, and the blood becomes acidic. It can cause an involuntary coma or even death if left untreated. Diabulimia may also increase the chance of developing other complications, including kidney disease, heart disease and nerve damage.

You or your loved ones suffers from diabulimia, it’s important to seek out professional assistance right immediately. Treatment

The symptoms of diabulimia

For those suffering from diabetes, controlling the blood sugar level is an ongoing continuous balance. Diabulimia can be described as an eating disorder. It manifests when those with diabetes intentionally provide themselves with less insulin than is required to keep their blood sugar levels at normal levels, to shed weight.

Diabulimia symptoms can differ based on the length of time people have been intentionally under-insulinizing themselves, and the amount of weight loss they have experienced because of it. There are however typical physical and psychological signs related to the condition.

The physical symptoms of diabulimia could be:

* frequent periods of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

* Loss of weight or inability to gain weight in the manner expected

* Urination and thirst that is excessive

* Irrritation and fatigue

* Vision blurred

• Slow recovery of bruises and cuts

*Yeast infections and other infections of the skin

Psychological signs of diabulimia could be:

* Afraid of the body and food

* Shame or guilt over the food you eat or not using insulin according to the prescription

Feeling out of control regarding insulin or food intake

• Relationship problems because of the obsession with food and body image

How do you recognize and manage Diabulimia

There are several ways to recognize Diabulimia. One method is to search for an abrupt weight loss among people who suffer from diabetes. Another approach is to find people who are very strict with their insulin regimens and diets yet have elevated level of blood sugar.

If you suspect that you or someone you know suffers from Diabulimia, you must seek out a doctor right away. The eating disorder is extremely hazardous and can even be life-threatening if it is not treated.

The treatment for Diabulimia is usually an array of therapies along with medication and education on proper nutrition and managing diabetes. Many people who suffer from Diabulimia manage to be cured and lead a healthy life.

The consequences of not being treated

If diabulimia isn’t addressed, the results could be life-threatening and serious. Diabulimia could lead to diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA) which is the accumulation of acidic blood that could lead to the death of a patient or coma. Diabulimia can cause problems in the kidneys, heart as well as nerves. Diabulimia sufferers often struggle to keep the blood sugar level in control, and this can result in serious health issues in the future.
