Remedial massage Adelaide relieves many health disorders that impact the musculoskeletal system, such as sports and dance injuries, muscle cramps, whiplash injuries, frozen shoulder conditions and fibromyalgia.

Muscle tension sends signals to the brain, alerting it that something is amiss; shoulder massage stops these signals, reduces pain and improves posture while increasing muscle elasticity and flexibility for improved posture.

Improved Circulation

Remedial massage techniques apply pressure to knotted or tight muscles to release their blood and allow blood to circulate more freely through these areas. By breaking up knots and freeing the flow of blood through them again, remedial massage improves the cellular exchange of oxygen and nutrients that keep muscles healthy and free from injury.

Remedial massage Adelaide also facilitates the release of waste products and toxins from muscles by increasing lymph fluid circulation throughout the body, aiding in removing build-up and reducing inflammation or swelling from injuries, which is especially effective for shoulder muscles susceptible to build-up from poor posture and repetitive movement.

One of the primary advantages of shoulder massages is to raise their temperature, relaxing muscles and providing greater flexibility. This effect is achieved via the technique known as Effleurage, which uses flat hand and finger pressure for maximum relaxation of soft tissues while improving blood and lymph flow while warming and relaxing them further for increased elasticity in muscles.

Another critical benefit of shoulder massages is the decrease in stress levels. Hormones like cortisol and serotonin help the body relax, decreasing tension and pain. In contrast, increased blood flow helps relieve it by decreasing lactic acid levels accumulated during exercise.

Posture Improvement

Remedial massage can be highly beneficial if you suffer from poor posture. Remedial massage helps loosen tight shoulder muscles to increase their flexibility, leading to greater overall shoulder joint elasticity and the regaining of natural posture due to improved flexibility – alleviating pain and discomfort associated with poor posture.

Poor posture is all too easy to acquire while sitting for prolonged periods, but massage therapy can do much to correct and alleviate its associated pain. Remedial Massage also retrains muscle movements for healthier and more natural movement – which is essential in correcting any issues with posture.

Poor posture can often be corrected through remedial massage alone; however, in certain instances, it may require the combination of massage with chiropractic, osteopathy or Alexander technique treatments to achieve long-term solutions. Furthermore, addressing what’s causing poor posture is essential so it won’t recur once massage has resolved the problem.

Prevention of Injury

At the first sign of injury or discomfort, remedial massage Adelaide can help protect you against further chronicities or worsening. Furthermore, it will allow for optimal performance when managing an injury. Remedial massage addresses the source of shoulder tightness or pain through myofascial release techniques such as myofascial release or stretching techniques that unstick scar tissue from nerves while opening up space between muscles for nerves to pass freely through.

Remedial massage can help prevent shoulder impingement and rotator cuff tears caused by overuse, poor posture, or sitting too long in one position. Massage increases blood flow to shoulder muscles so they move more freely while receiving oxygen-rich nutrients needed for recovery.

Increased blood flow helps flush away toxins from muscles, relieving tension in shoulder and neck muscles and relieving any pressure on nerves or tendons compressed beneath an acromion.

Remedial massage ranges in intensity from light to firm and employs essential kneading movements, passive joint movement, compression and stretching techniques to manipulate soft tissue structures. It can treat various health disorders, including sporting injuries, muscle cramps, arthritis and whiplash.


Over time, our shoulders can become tight and tense due to exercise, work or poor posture. This tightness may cause pain and limit movement; regular shoulder massages can help relieve this tension and enhance the mobility of our shoulder joints.

Remedial massage is an advanced style of bodywork used to address many health conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. Remedial massage can relieve sports injuries and muscle strains by balancing muscle length, tone and tension to restore proper bone positioning, increase blood flow to injured sites and promote the healing of injuries.

Remedial massage can also help relieve stress, improve sleep, lower risk for chronic conditions and speed recovery from surgery on the musculoskeletal system.
