Trichomoniasis is also called “trich” because one of the main symptoms of the infection is excessive, frothy, yellow-green discharge from the penis or vagina. This discharge often has a strong smell, which can be quite unpleasant. Other common symptoms include pain during sex, itching and burning around the vagina or penis, and general discomfort.

But how can you get trichomoniasis if no one cheats? If you want more information, we suggest you read further as we’re going to tackle this topic in today’s article.

How Can You Get Infected With This STD Without Cheating

There are a few different ways that you can get trichomoniasis if you are not cheating. One way is through contact with bodily fluids from an infected person. Another way to get trichomoniasis is by coming in contact with objects that have been contaminated with the bacteria. If you are using someone else’s towel, for example, and they have the infection, there is a good chance that you could end up getting it as well.

Other than that, you can also be infected with trich if you come into contact with these things:

Toilet – A damp toilet seat can be a breeding ground for the bacteria that causes trichomoniasis. And going to a public toilet poses an even greater risk because it exposes you to the bodily waste of other people.

Shared Baths – A study conducted in Zambia indicates that the bacteria spread through the water that is used by many girls at the same time.

Public Pools – Trich can also spread in public pools, especially if the water is not regularly cleaned.

The bacteria that causes trichomoniasis is called Trichomonas vaginalis. It is a protozoan parasite that infects the body usually through sexual contact. It can also be passed from mother to child during childbirth.

There are typically four stages of trichomoniasis infection:

1. Asymptomatic Stage – About 70-80% of people who are infected with Trichomonas vaginalis do not have any symptoms. This means that they may not know they are infected and can unknowingly spread the parasite to their partners.

2. Mild Symptomatic Stage – In about 20-30% of people who are infected, the Trichomonas vaginalis causes a mild infection with symptoms such as vaginal discharge, odor, itching, and pain during sex. These symptoms can often be mistaken for other common infections, such as a yeast infection.

3. Moderate Symptomatic Stage – A small number of people (about 5%) who are infected with Trichomonas vaginalis will develop a more serious infection with moderate to severe symptoms. Symptoms may include a lot of vaginal discharge, pain during sex, bleeding after sex, pain when urinating, and abdominal pain.

4. Severe Symptomatic Stage – In very rare cases (less than 1%), Trichomonas vaginalis can cause a life-threatening infection. Symptoms may include a lot of vaginal discharge, fever, chills, body aches, and confusion.

Did Your Partner Cheat If They Have Trich

If you have a partner who has trichomoniasis, it does not mean that they necessarily cheated on you. If you are concerned that your partner may have been unfaithful, you can talk to them about your concerns and ask them if they have been sexually active with anyone else. If you are not comfortable discussing this with your partner, you can also talk to your doctor about it.

How To Save Yourself And Your Partner From This Parasite

There are a few things that you can do to help save yourself and your partner from trichomoniasis. The first is to make sure that you are both getting tested for the infection on a regular basis. This will help to ensure that neither of you are infected, and it will also allow you to get treatment if either of you are infected.

Additionally, it is important to be honest with each other about your sexual history. This will help to ensure that neither of you are cheating on the other, and it will also help to prevent any further spread of the infection.

Finally, it is important to keep communication open between you and your partner. This will help to ensure that neither of you feel like you are being ignored or left out, and it will also help to prevent any misunderstandings from occurring.

Get Tested And Treated Immediately

It is important to seek treatment for trichomoniasis if you think you might have it. Treatment can clear up the infection and help prevent long-term health problems.

There are several ways to seek treatment for trichomoniasis. You can see your doctor or go to a clinic. You can also seek online STD consultation from CureDose’s doctors as this can be a convenient option if you don’t have time to see a doctor in person.

Overall, seeking treatment for trichomoniasis is important to protect your health and the health of your partner. Treatment can clear up the infection and help prevent long-term health problems.
